Reforest’Action / Participate in the restoration of Reunion Island's dry forest and its incredible biodiversity!
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Participate in the restoration of Reunion Island's dry forest and its incredible biodiversity!


In 2019, Reforest'Action continues its commitment to restore local dry forest alongside the European LIFE+ Dry Forest project with funding from the Ravate group and the individuals. We need you to plant as many trees as possible this year!

Carried out in collaboration with the Reunion Island National Park and the Conservatoire du Littoral, our reforestation project in Reunion Island aims to restore the local dry forest, of which only a few relics remain. This is threatened by the growing pressure of invasive alien species. The ambition is in particular to create an ecological corridor on the Massif de La Montagne by introducing Bourbon green Geckos, an endemic fauna in danger of extinction.

In 2018, 13,348 young trees of endemic species were planted thanks to the funding provided by Reforest'Action. This year, we plan to plant many more, and we need you!

Pascal Truong, our partner in the field and coordinator of the LIFE+ Dry Forest project, gives you news of the project and explains why you need to mobilize with us for the Reunionese dry forest:

"In tropical island environments, a year of ecological forestry work is organized in two stages: the dry season (April-October) is dedicated to the control of invasive alien species and the rainy season (November to March) is devoted to the planting of endemic and indigenous species. However, seed harvesting and plant production are carried out throughout the year because these activities are not governed by seasonality. As a result, in 2018 the plantations ended in March-April and resumed in December. Today, between the volunteer sites and the company in charge of the plantations, we have 35,832 plants reintroduced (including 13,348 thanks to Reforest'Action funding). We must maintain this pace to meet our final objectives in September 2020, namely the reintroduction of 80,000 young trees of about 50 dry forest species! »

So, are you ready to plant?;)