Reforest’Action / Portugal: the first trees have been planted!
Toute l'actualité

Portugal: the first trees have been planted!


In Portugal, Reforest’Action replants trees after the fires which destroyed almost 30 000 hectares of forest in June 2017. Discover the photos of the first planted trees!

In the municipality of Pedrogao Grande, the students of the Infancia Garden and of the Agrupamento de Escolas de Pedrogao Grande built a tree nursery in order to grow seedlings obtained from seeds locally collected.

Common oak, cork oak, holm oak and ash: the tree species have been selected so that it diversifies the forests of the region, mainly consisting of eucalyptus, which is conducive to incipient fires because of its dryness.

After their plantation, the trees were given a stake and an individual protection to guarantee their growth in the best possible conditions.

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