Reforest’Action / Preparing for the Next Tree Plantation Season in Senegal
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Preparing for the Next Tree Plantation Season in Senegal


It is time to get ready for the next plantation season ! In order to plant in July / August, we are now in the process of acquiring the necessary seeds for the trees that you have so generously funded.

More specifically, the tree species that we will plant are citrus trees, Eucalyptus Trees and Guava Trees. Each of these trees play a role in the lives of the farmers who work in agroforestry. The Guava Trees grow quickly and provide fruit and wood; the wood provides much needed fuel and the guavas are sold thus providing supplemental income for the farmers. The Eucalyptus Trees, planted sparsely around the hedges, provide a natural barrier from the warm wind that can be fatal to crops, and also produce firewood. These two tree species help to reduce deforestation in the surrounding forests (firewood and agriculture are the primary risk factors in the region). Citrus trees are planted with the Jatropha shrubs as hedges that clearly define the crop field perimeters and protect the crops against roaming animals. The reforestation team is now preparing informational brochures for these new tree species in order to educate and train the farmers next month. We will keep you informed of our progress. Thank you again for your contribution and do not hesitate to spread the word to your friends and coworkers by giving them trees because we still have a long way to go in order to finance all of the trees planned for the coming season.