26 053 859Trees planted

High Andean landscape

Restoration of Colombia's Páramos: a regenerative approach

Colombia, which recently emerged from a drawn-out armed conflict, is now suffering the consequences of booming agricultural development, leading to the destruction of natural ecosystems. Faced with devastating deforestation, we must adopt an area-specific approach. To restore the Colombian Páramos, an unparalleled high-altitude biotope, and to contribute to the socio-economic sustainability of local communities settled there for centuries, Reforest'Action is deploying a regenerative project on a landscape level.

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Colombia - sylvopastoralism - reforestation

Colombia: a project that reveals the connection between environmental and social issues

Located in the Andean Cordillera, this project of silvopastoralism and forest restoration is managed by Impulso Verde, with the financial support of Reforest’Action. Several months after the launch of this project aimed at restoring the mountain ecosystems of the department of Nariño, it is now clear that the actions undertaken have environmental as well as socio-economic impacts.

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Colombia - Nariño - tree nurseries - community tree nurseries - Andean Cordillera - páramos - silvopastoralism - silvopastoral - restoration of ecosystems - Restoration - Impulso Verde