26 053 859Trees planted

Reforest'Actor: Aude

For the birth of his daughter, Aude received 10 trees to plant with Reforest'Action. A symbolic gift that seduced her and that corresponds particularly to the messages she wishes to communicate to her daughter when she is older.

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trees - planting - community - birth - future

Reforest'Actors : Charles & Nathan

With nearly 55,000 Reforest'Actors, our community keeps expanding every day. We went to meet those who participate with us in the reforestation of our planet! Today, discover the interview of Charles, 23 years old, and Nathan, 22 years old, two friends who have just returned from a zero waste bike roadtrip. To compensate for the impact of their trip, they decided to plant 177 trees with Reforest'Action.

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zero waste - carbon offeset - CO2 - motorcycle - roadtrip - community