26 053 859Trees planted

Welcome to our profile page. Discover our actions in favour of the forest with Reforest'Action.

Check out our forests on the map :

  • Project in progress
  • Closed project
{{ map }}

{{ codeRA.emetteur.nom_page_profile_emetteur != '' ? codeRA.emetteur.nom_page_profile_emetteur : codeRA.emetteur.nom_emetteur }} has offered you

{{ getValueDataAttribute('data-min-trees') }} tree(s) to plant

{{ codeRA.emetteur.zone1 }}

{{ codeRA.emetteur.zone2 }}

Choose where to plant your tree

{{ infos.commun.countTrees | numberFormatting }} tree(s)

planted by in this forest

{{ infos.commun.countTrees | numberFormatting }}

tree(s) already planted

Benefits created by the trees already planted

  • {{ infos.commun.countTrees * infos.commun.benefits.climat | numberFormatting }} ton(s) of CO2 stored

  • {{ infos.commun.countTrees * infos.commun.benefits.biodiversity | numberFormatting }} shelter(s) for animals created

  • {{ infos.commun.countTrees * infos.commun.benefits.health | numberFormatting }} month(s) of oxygen generated

  • {{ infos.commun.countTrees * infos.commun.benefits.employment | numberFormatting }} hour(s) of work created

{{ getValueDataAttribute('data-min-trees') }} tree(s) to plant

Choose where to plant your trees

{{ project.name }}

{{ project.countTrees | numberFormatting }} tree(s) planted

→ About the project
I plant here

A tree = {{ project.prix }} $ tax inclusive

{{ project.name }}

{{ project.countTrees | numberFormatting }} tree(s) planted

→ About the project

Project benefits

  • Climate {{ project.countTrees * fixValues.benefits.climat | numberFormatting }} ton(s) of CO2 stored

  • Biodiversity {{ project.countTrees * fixValues.benefits.biodiversity | numberFormatting }} shelter(s) for animals created

  • Health {{ project.countTrees * fixValues.benefits.health | numberFormatting }} month(s) of oxygen generated

  • Employment {{ project.countTrees * fixValues.benefits.employment | numberFormatting }} hour(s) of work created

They take part to the projects

Number of Reforest'actors :1


News from the field

A promising future for the lands of Palencia!This major impulse initiated in 2017 with Sylva Nova to restore stands degraded by fires in the province of Palencia (Spain) is now gaining ground with a total of 202,009 trees planted in 5 years.

Wildfires spread at record speed Near the Montaña Palentina natural park, most of the areas were devastated by fires between 2005 and 2016. At the time, these forests, located on the outskirts of cities, burnt very quickly. Due to a lack of resources, the local municipalities were

In Spain, our project to restore burned forests carries on!Here is news of our large project to restore fire-damaged forests, which we have been supporting since 2017 in the province of Palencia and surrounding areas in northern Spain with our partner Sylva N

Here is news of our large project to restore fire-damaged forests, which we have been supporting since 2017 in the province of Palencia and surrounding areas in northern Spain with our partner Sylva Nova. Most of the areas concerned were devastated by fires between 2005 and 2016. Forests around c

Photos of the projects