During the month of March, 14 227 trees have taken root in Tarapoto, in Peru. Planted by local farmers inside and around the fields, these young sprouts have grown in the Urku tree nursery, our technical partner on the ground.

The agroforestry systems created are rich with a multitude of complementary tree species, that contributes to the diversification of farmers' revenues, but also to maintaining and diversifying the agricultural production. Among the planted species during the month of March there is :
- the Lemon Tree, that will allow farmers to feed on the fruits and to sell them on markets ;
- the Capirona and the Bolaïna, that will be used to produce construction wood ;
- the Mahogany Cedre, that will allow restoring the Cordillera Escalera original forest ;
- the Hevea, that will allow the production of natural rubber found in numerous products ;
- the Bamboo, it will be used to protect the river banks and other areas susceptible to be flooded or to face landslides.

The planted parcels thanks to the financing of Reforest’Action are monitored by Daniel, founder of the URKU center, who regularly checks that the trees' growth is going well. To this day, 133 parcels were audited. The monitoring work will continue during the following month.

Currently, 30 000 seedlings are pampered in the nursery of San José de Sisa. This nursery is, however, too far from the plantation parcels, and the center Urku encourages the projects' beneficiaries to create their own nursery in order to simplify the future subculturing operations.

You too, plant trees in Peru by clicking here!