26 053 857Trees planted


At Reforest'Action, our mission is to act for the forest through quality projects.
Even though we are not a communication agency, we consider it our responsibility to raise your awareness and give you the keys to help you communicate well.


Why is this important?

Communications on environmental issues are increasingly scrutinised and challenged. Those who do not respect certain rules can undermine the credibility of the company communicating and put it at risk of being accused of greenwashing. These rules can be perceived as a constraint or ... as an opportunity! Asking questions about your communication allows you to avoid accusations of greenwashing, but it also allows you to question the coherence of your action and the responsibility of the messages that result from it.
All companies have a responsibility and a role to play towards society as a whole. This is what consumers and stakeholders expect and this is reflected in the messages they convey. Putting forward messages that are consistent with the company's approach and raising awareness of greater environmental consciousness means positioning oneself as a concerned and responsible player and is the best way to enhance one's image to the right level.


The right reflexes to adopt

1. Make your action for the forest part of a more sustainable commitment approach.

2. Be fair and proportionate to the benefits of your involvement

3. Be clear, precise and as close to reality as possible.

4. Convey a message that encourages responsible behaviour

5. Be consistent in your choice of communication media


Tools to help you

It's not easy to change your habits when communication reflexes are well established. Yet it is essential in an era where environmental issues are paramount. These are reflexes to adopt, which are not so complicated if they are well explained. To help you do this, we provide our contributors with a comprehensive guide to good practice in responsible communication and a self-assessment grid for their communication.



Use of the Reforest'Action trademark

At Reforest'Action, we prefer to raise awareness and help rather than try to control, which would divert our energy from our primary mission: to act for the forests. The use of our brand by our contributors is conditioned by the respect of these good communication practices, and we rely on companies to apply them.

To sum up...

- Reforest'Action provides its contributors with tools to help them communicate properly.

- The use of the Reforest'Action logo and brand name implies respect for
the good practices of responsible communication detailed in these tools.

- Reforest'Action reserves the right to express itself freely on the subject in case
of inappropriate communication and to report any misuse or abuse.

- We strongly recommend our clients to be accompanied by experts to build their communication,
and they have the possibility, if they wish, to submit their communication to us for an opinion.