26 049 489Trees planted

Reforest and diversify these plots affected by drought and bark beetles!
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{{ project.name }}

{{ project.countTrees | numberFormatting }} tree(s) planted

→ About the project
I plant here

A tree = {{ project.prix }} $ tax inclusive

{{ project.name }}

{{ project.countTrees | numberFormatting }} tree(s) planted

→ About the project

Project benefits

  • Climate {{ project.countTrees * fixValues.benefits.climat | numberFormatting }} ton(s) of CO2 stored

  • Biodiversity {{ project.countTrees * fixValues.benefits.biodiversity | numberFormatting }} shelter(s) for animals created

  • Health {{ project.countTrees * fixValues.benefits.health | numberFormatting }} month(s) of oxygen generated

  • Employment {{ project.countTrees * fixValues.benefits.employment | numberFormatting }} hour(s) of work created

They take part to the projects

Number of Reforest'actors : 14

Project description

Reforest'Action and its partner Sylva Nova invite you to support the reforestation of these degraded plots!

The project at a glance

  • Number of trees to be planted: 25,050
  • Planting area: 9.5 hectares
  • Species planted: hybrid larch, beech, pedunculate oak, blackthorn, hawthorn, hazel, hornbeam, wild rose
  • Project type: reforestation and diversification
  • Planting period: Winter 2020-2021 & Spring 2022

Context and benefits

The Sauerland is a mid-mountain region with a high afforestation rate. The numerous mountains have sometimes made it referred to as the land of a thousand mountains. Many forests are classified as natural parks. The dominant species in these forest massifs are beech and spruce. Indeed, mixed forests are rather rare.

Unfortunately, in recent years, beech and especially spruce have suffered massively from drought. Even if the effects of global warming also affect other species, it is important to underline that the impact of such phenomena would certainly have been less important if these forests had been more diversified.

Indeed, we can consider that the forests of the region are largely monocultured. Like agriculture, this mode of management is risky for several reasons : soil impoverishment, a decline in biodiversity and an increased risk of biological attack by pathogens or insects. Forests managed in this way are also more sensitive to unfavourable environmental conditions such as storms or droughts. In the context of current climate change with successive heat waves and low rainfall, it is necessary to change this management model.

It is the case here with the implementation of an ambitious reforestation and species diversification campaign. Three hardwood and softwood species will be planted. In fact, the diversification of species helps to promote the resistance of the stands to diseases and biological attacks. These will indeed have much more difficulty in spreading since they are often specific to one species. The difference in the height and conformation of the canopies will also provide better resistance to strong winds and may slow down the spread of possible fires. Furthermore, the diversity of species allows for increased biodiversity acceptance because each species has its own specific biodiversity procession. 


2020 - 2021 program : planting of 7,000 trees on 3 hectares of larch, pedunculate oak and common beech.

2021 - 2022 program : planting of 18,050 trees from 8 species (larch, pedunculate oak, beech, blackthorn, hawthorn, hazel, hornbeam, wild rose) on 6.5 hectares.

Photos of the projects