26 054 591Trees planted

A diversified forest in Wallonia

In Villers-devant-Orval, a village located in the province of Luxembourg in Belgium, a forest plot has been successfully reforested. The project was completed thanks to the support of our Reforest'Actors, Lansinoh, Stepstone Belgium and Arval Belgium. 

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Belgique - Wallonia - afforestation - bark beetles

In Belgium, a stand of various species has been created out of a spruce monoculture that used to be gnawed by bark beetles.

In Roupage, our planting project enabled the reforestation of a plot of land populated by spruce trees, which used to be attacked by wood-eating insects. The project has been carried out with the support of our Reforest'Actors and our contributors, Puratos and Revolve.

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Belgique - reboisement - insectes ravageurs - scolytes