La protection de la biodiversité est un élément clé du pacte vert pour le climat avec en particulier l’annonce d’une stratégie pour les forêts conforme aux ambitions plus globales en matière de biodiversité et de neutralité climatique. Parmi les mesures phares, la plantation d’au moins 3 milliards d’arbres supplémentaires dans l’Union d’ici à 2030.
News from the field
Netherlands : a forest stand ravaged by bark beetlesIn Markelo, a small town located in the province of Overijssel, east of the Netherlands, a forest plot attacked by bark beetles was successfully reforested. Thanks to our reforest’actors, the stand is
Focus on the town of Markelo Markelo is a municipality located in the east of the Netherlands. The surrounding nature is one of its main assets, the hill of Markelose Berg being a perfect example. Other remarkable monuments such as the flour mill De Hoop, whose name means