26 053 859Trees planted

European Union 3 Billion Tree Planting Pledge: Reforest’Action's contribution

Working in some 15 European countries to date, Reforest'Action will actively contribute to the EU's pledge to plant 3 billion additional trees by 2030 through the creation of biodiversity-rich and multifunctional forests.

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European Union - EU - Planting Pledge - 3 Billion trees

EU Forest Strategy for 2030: a strong environmental path

The European Commission just released on Friday 16 July its new EU Forest Strategy. This Strategy supplements the Fit for 55 Package (published on 14 of July) and will contribute to achieve the EU’s target of reducing greenhouse gas emissions from 55% by 2030, as set out in the European legislation on Climate. This new ambitious strategy “recognises the central and multi-functional role of forests, and the contribution of foresters and the entire forest-based value chain for achieving by 2050 a sustainable and climate-neutral economy while ensuring that all of ecosystems are restored, resilient, and adequately protected.”

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Europe - European Union - strategy - forests - public institutions