26 054 228Trees planted

All you need is green

The human eye perceives the green color better than any other color. It may be because our ancestors lived in the forest. Today, we know that trees and plants help mitigate the effects of climate change. But the benefits of all that is green also extend to health! Here are 5 reasons why we all need green in our life!

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green - color - health - symbol

10 tips to get a look at life on the green side, including at work!

Autumn is upon us and you're back in front of your computer... Enjoy this new season to make good resolutions for the Planet! At Reforest'Action, we are fond of all these little tricks that allow us to live positively on a daily basis. And since we are (very) nice, we decided to share them with you!

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ecology - office - green - autumn - resolutions