26 054 591Trees planted

Haïti : supporting ecosystem restoration and raising awareness on land degradation

As part of its reforestation programmes, the Agrinotech association is currently running two projects in the locality of Saint-Michel de l'Attalaye. The first phase, conducted in 2020, and the second, carried out between August and December 2021, resulted in the planting of respectively 250,000 and 500,000 seedlings.

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Haïti - Saint-Michel de l'Attalaye - dégradation - socio-économic - raising awarness - water management

Haiti (Saint-Michel): Schoolchildren and farmers mobilize to restore forests

Anchored in the north of the island of Haiti, one of the countries in the world most affected by deforestation, the project financed by Reforest'Action and led in the field by the local NGO Agrinotech aims to raise awareness and involve local communities in the implementation of agricultural practices that are more respectful of the environment and the forests. The objective: to develop agroforestry among local farmers and gradually restore the forests of the Saint-Michel de l'Attalaye region. Between February and May 2021, 290,000 seedlings of various species were distributed and planted in the field by the villagers.

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Haïti - agroforesterie - sensibilisation - reforestation

Reforestation in Haiti : an incredible community involvement at the service of the forest

Initiated in September 2019, our agroforestry and reforestation project in Haiti has resulted in the planting of 250,000 trees of various species in the Saint-Michel de l'Attalaye region, thanks to the strong involvement of local communities.


Haïti - reforestation

In Haiti, 170,000 trees of various species in nurseries

Since 2019, Reforest'Action has partnered with the Haitian NGO Agrinotech to carry out an agroforestry and reforestation project in the region of Saint-Michel de l'Attalaye, in the north of the country. The young trees are currently in nurseries and will be planted during the summer.

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