26 054 598Trees planted

Kenya: ensure the sustainability and expansion of the project through rigorous monitoring and the identification of new beneficiaries

Initiated in January 2020, the agroforestry and reforestation project funded by Reforest'Action and deployed by Trees for Kenya has planted 410,000 trees within protected areas of Mount Kenya National Park, farms and schools in Tharaka Nithi and Embu counties. This first phase concluded in December 2021 and benefited over 360 farmers. In 2022, the project continues with the monitoring of the agroforestry plots created in past years and the goal of planting an additional 250,000 trees.

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Kenya - agroforesterie - sensibilisation - écoles - reforestation

Reforestation is the planting of trees within an existing stand

Reforestation : All you need to know

Reforesting agricultural or forestry plots involves complex processes and special techniques. Here we review this practice designed to restore forest ecosystems across the world.

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reboisement - reboiser - plantation - plants - planter - arbres - pépinière - agroforesterie - Haie bocagère - terres agricoles - Forêt - micro-forêt - forêt urbaine - certifications - labels - règles - règlement - loi - aides financières - financement - législation - afforestation - comment reboiser - comment planter

Haiti (Saint-Michel): Schoolchildren and farmers mobilize to restore forests

Anchored in the north of the island of Haiti, one of the countries in the world most affected by deforestation, the project financed by Reforest'Action and led in the field by the local NGO Agrinotech aims to raise awareness and involve local communities in the implementation of agricultural practices that are more respectful of the environment and the forests. The objective: to develop agroforestry among local farmers and gradually restore the forests of the Saint-Michel de l'Attalaye region. Between February and May 2021, 290,000 seedlings of various species were distributed and planted in the field by the villagers.

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Haïti - agroforesterie - sensibilisation - reforestation

In Peru, already one million trees to restore the forests in the region of Piura

Since 2019, Reforest'Action has been supporting the reforestation of the Piura region in Peru, affected by desertification and soil erosion. Carried out in the field for the local NGO Progreso, the project aims to recreate forests on the mountain ranges in order to restore their soils and biodiversity, but also to develop agroforestry with 800 local farmers. After a first planting season in 2020, the 2021 season will double the amount with 500,000 additional trees, bringing to one million the number of trees financed and planted within the framework of the project thanks to Reforest'Action's funding.

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reforestation - agroforesterie - Pérou - Piura

Haiti (Lavial): continuation of the project with 200,000 additional trees in 2021

From September 2018 to October 2019, a first part of this reforestation project in Haiti was financed by Reforest'Action and conducted by our technical partner OJUCAH. Following the success of this first operation, the project will resume in 2021 in a new dimension. While one of the objectives is still to develop family agroforestry around the town of Lavial, in the south of the country, the project now doubles as an ambition to also restore the forests of the region, which were heavily affected by deforestation and Hurricane Matthew in 2016. A total of 200,000 trees will be planted over the course of 2021, bringing the number of trees of various species funded via Reforest'Action in Lavial since 2018 to 400,000.

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Haïti - Lavial - agroforesterie - reforestation

In Morocco, fruit trees provide economic and ecological benefits

In Morocco, our fruit trees planting project has unfolded throughout the country, spreading to multiple new villages since June 2020. The objective is to diversify familial agricultural plots while enhancing biodiversity.

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Madagascar : supporting coffee and cloves production through agroforestry

Over the past weeks, up to 10.000 trees, funded by Reforest'Action, rooted through the agroforestry system in the village of Ambatobe.

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Madagascar - agroforesterie - reforestation

14 227 trees planted in agroforestry in Peru

During the month of March, 14 227 trees have taken root in Tarapoto, in Peru. Planted by local farmers inside and around the fields, these young sprouts have grown in the Urku tree nursery, our technical partner on the ground.

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Pérou - Amazonie - agroforesterie

Trees for the Alnif oasis to fight desertification

In March 2019, 3 200 date palms and almond trees were planted in the Alnif oasis, in Morocco, to support a restoration project of an irrigation system and thus fight desertification.

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Maroc - agroforesterie - oasis - désertification - plantation - arbres

Reforest'Action in Morocco: let's discover the fruits of our work!

At the end of November, we went to Brachoua, Morocco, to hear about the trees we planted with funding from ENGIE and the general public. Come with us to discover the extraordinary history of a small village that has become a pioneer in sustainable agriculture.

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Maroc - Brachoua - permaculture - agroforesterie - arbres fruitiers - Engie