26 053 859Trees planted

In Peru, already one million trees to restore the forests in the region of Piura

Since 2019, Reforest'Action has been supporting the reforestation of the Piura region in Peru, affected by desertification and soil erosion. Carried out in the field for the local NGO Progreso, the project aims to recreate forests on the mountain ranges in order to restore their soils and biodiversity, but also to develop agroforestry with 800 local farmers. After a first planting season in 2020, the 2021 season will double the amount with 500,000 additional trees, bringing to one million the number of trees financed and planted within the framework of the project thanks to Reforest'Action's funding.

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reforestation - agroforesterie - Pérou - Piura

Discover our new reforestation project in Peru!

In Peru, in the Piura region, Reforest'Action is committed alongside the NGO Progreso to plant 500,000 trees by April 2020. The objective: to combat desertification in the region and restore the soil.

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Pérou - reforestation - forêts - érosion - désertification