26 053 679Trees planted

A promising future for the lands of Palencia!

This major impulse initiated in 2017 with Sylva Nova to restore stands degraded by fires in the province of Palencia (Spain) is now gaining ground with a total of 202,009 trees planted in 5 years.

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Espagne - Palencia - incendies - désertification - reboisement

Ecosystem restoration: 5 questions about the Great Green Wall of the Sahel region

Since 2007, the Great Green Wall project, led by the African Union, aims to fight against the spread of the desert by restoring natural ecosystems within a 15 km wide and 7,800 km long strip that crosses eleven Sahelian countries. Originally conceived as a vegetal barrier to hold the desert back, the project now has a broader approach: sustainable management and restoration of these arid ecosystems. Fifteen years after its launch, how is the Great Green Wall evolving? What challenges does it face and what are its future prospects? Discover the project through five questions.

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Forest Culture - Ecosystem restoration - Great Green Wall - désertification

In Portugal, the fight against fires and land desertification requires the introduction of a variety of tree species

Since 2018, we have been working in Portugal in different regions near the cities of Meda and Marvao, Abrantes, and Maçao, in order to restore areas damaged by fires

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forest - fires - biodiversity - drought - désertification - variety of species

Discover our new reforestation project in Peru!

In Peru, in the Piura region, Reforest'Action is committed alongside the NGO Progreso to plant 500,000 trees by April 2020. The objective: to combat desertification in the region and restore the soil.

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Pérou - reforestation - forêts - érosion - désertification

Trees for the Alnif oasis to fight desertification

In March 2019, 3 200 date palms and almond trees were planted in the Alnif oasis, in Morocco, to support a restoration project of an irrigation system and thus fight desertification.

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Maroc - agroforesterie - oasis - désertification - plantation - arbres