26 054 598Trees planted

Reading tip : Hervé Le Bouler, Forêts. Des racines et des hommes, Delachaux et Niestlé, 2022.

Thanks to his love of life and scientific expertise, Hervé Le Bouler encourages us to learn more about the complex system of forests - a world of plants, animals, and people. "Forêts. Des racines et des hommes" serves as a sensitive and personal account that invites us to understand, as the pages turn, the history of forest ecosystems and what is happening there now. This effort helps us to imagine and accompany the change, helped by the optimistic advice of the author.

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forêts - régénérationnaturelleassistée - RNA - Diversité - climat - biodiversité - changementclimatique

Forest ecosystem restoration: a quality solution to support your Net Zero trajectory

More and more companies implement Net Zero trajectories based on standards such as the Net Zero Initiative or the SBTi. There are solutions in favor of the restoration of forest ecosystems that support these strategies - generating impacts that go far beyond carbon management alone. At Reforest'Action, financing carbon projects is essential for achieving global carbon neutrality. However, it should not be an end in itself. Indeed, adequate financing must take a broader view. It must include promoting and preserving biodiversity and allowing the development of benefits for local populations.

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#carbone - stratégieclimat - RSE - écosystèmes - forêts - SBTI - net zero - trajectoirecarbone - solutionsfondéessurlanature - biodiversité

Discover our new reforestation project in Peru!

In Peru, in the Piura region, Reforest'Action is committed alongside the NGO Progreso to plant 500,000 trees by April 2020. The objective: to combat desertification in the region and restore the soil.

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Pérou - reforestation - forêts - érosion - désertification

Forest Month 2019: a great success thanks to you

Every year, throughout the month of March, Reforest'Action organizes a major awareness campaign on the importance of forests for climate, biodiversity, economic development, and our daily lives: it is Forest Month! Discover the results of this first edition held in March 2019.

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Le Mois de la Forêt - sensibilisation - forêts - reforestation - arbres

The best of 2018

The year 2018, rich in events and transformations, is coming to an end. The opportunity for the Reforest'Action team to take you on a journey of (re)discovery of our highlights... And to wish you a wonderful 2019!

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2018 - reforestation - plantation - arbres - forêts

Bringing the National Forest of Angeles back to life: John Paul DeJoria and TEA TREE teams plant 10,000 trees

John Paul Mitchell Systems (JPMS) and its TEA TREE brand have been a long-standing partner of Reforest'Action since 2013 : they are on their way to plant a total of 750,000 trees by the end of 2019 in Peru, Haiti and California! This year, they continue their commitment to working with us to restore Angeles' national forest, damaged by the Sand fire in 2016. On March 1st, TEA TREE teams planted the first 150 trees of the 10,000 plants funded by JPMS on this project. Stéphane Hallaire, President of Reforest'Action, took part in the planting alongside John Paul DeJoria, CEO of JPMS. Back in pictures on this exceptional event!

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forêts - plantation - Etats-Unis - Californie - incendie - reboisement - John Paul Mitchell Systems

2 million trees planted with Reforest'Action!

In January 2018, the Reforest'Actors reached the 2 million trees planted on www.reforestaction.com. Let's continue together to have a positive footprint on the world by planting trees!

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arbres - forêts - reforestation - plantation - senegal - Maroc - Haïti - France - Inde - Pérou

Reforest'Action : best of 2017!

A new website, a growing Green Team, new offices, new planting projects all over the world, an extra million trees planted in a year... As this eventful year is already behind us, (re)discover our highlights!

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2017 - reforestation - arbres - forêts - Haïti - Pérou - senegal - Indonésie - France - Maroc

Make French Northern Forests Great Again

On November 24, a major reforestation campaign was launched by the National Forestry Office and Reforest'Action. The aim of this campaign? To restore France Northern Forests, affected by a disease.

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Hardelot - Nord - Nord-Pas-de-Calais - France - forêts - chalarose

Francis Hallé and the Canopy Raft

"Give me a tree and I will save the world" says Francis Hallé, one of the greatest biologists of our century, who dedicated his life to the knowledge and defence of trees. Portrait of the conqueror of canopies, who designed an extraordinary device to study them better: the Canopy Raft.

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Francis Hallé - forêts - canopée - exploration