26 053 859Trees planted

Kenya: ensure the sustainability and expansion of the project through rigorous monitoring and the identification of new beneficiaries

Initiated in January 2020, the agroforestry and reforestation project funded by Reforest'Action and deployed by Trees for Kenya has planted 410,000 trees within protected areas of Mount Kenya National Park, farms and schools in Tharaka Nithi and Embu counties. This first phase concluded in December 2021 and benefited over 360 farmers. In 2022, the project continues with the monitoring of the agroforestry plots created in past years and the goal of planting an additional 250,000 trees.

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Kenya - agroforesterie - sensibilisation - écoles - reforestation

400 000 trees planted in Kenya: report of our mission on the spot

End of July 2021, we went to Kenya to monitor our reforestation project. We met our local partner, Trees for Kenya, in order to measure the impact of the project on the local populations and the environment, which will help us maintain the development of our action in the years to come.

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Kenya - Africa - reforestation - Agroforestry

Reforestation and agroforestry in the Mount Kenya region

In Kenya, the new rainy season, starting in April 2021, is favourable to the resumption of plantations in the Mount Kenya region. The aim of the project is to support local communities in restoring deforested areas of Mount Kenya and to develop agroforestry on their farmland in order to secure their food supply. Currently, 250,000 trees are being planted. Find out more about the project.

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Kenya - Agroforestry - sensibilization - schools - reforestation

Kenya : the project keeps expanding among local farmers of Mount Kenya

After six months dedicated to the work in nurseries, a new planting season opens in Kenya. The objective : to create agroforestry systems among local producers in order to provide protective cover for their crops and to diversify their harvests.

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Kenya - Agroforestry

In Kenya, the planting season has started!

Launched in 2019, our project in Kenya aims to restore Mount Kenya National Park and to enable local communities to plant trees in agroforestry. The planting of 80,000 saplings began in April, during the rainy season.

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Kenya - reforestation - Agroforestry