26 054 591Trees planted

Carbon offsetting: Reforest'Action's standpoint

Since companies contact us to act in the field of carbon offsetting, it is important for Reforest'Action to share its views on this practice. We are publishing a position statement with this in mind.

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compensation carbone - stratégie - réduction - empreinte - Bilan - entreprise - RSE - climat

carbon offsetting, France, credits, forest, co-benefits, local, biodiversity,  stakeholders

Reforest'Local: carbon offsetting with a positive impact in France

Reforest'Action has created Reforest'Local, an innovative carbon offsetting solution with a positive local impact that combines labelled international carbon credits with the planting of trees in France. Through this unusual mechanism, the company can generate co-benefits for its territory and its stakeholders.

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compensation carbone - France - crédits - Forêt - co-bénéfices - local - biodiversité - parties prenantes