26 054 229Trees planted

Reforestation is the planting of trees within an existing stand

Reforestation : All you need to know

Reforesting agricultural or forestry plots involves complex processes and special techniques. Here we review this practice designed to restore forest ecosystems across the world.

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reboisement - reboiser - plantation - plants - planter - arbres - pépinière - agroforesterie - Haie bocagère - terres agricoles - Forêt - micro-forêt - forêt urbaine - certifications - labels - règles - règlement - loi - aides financières - financement - législation - afforestation - comment reboiser - comment planter

In the Alpes de Haute-Provence, the adaptation of forests to climate change requires the inplementation of islands for the future.

In the state-owned forest of Issole (04), 2,650 trees were planted in partnership with the National Forestry Office, thanks to the support of our Reforest'actors and our contributor Enedis. The experimental introduction of various species will help testing their resistance to climate change at a local level.

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Forêt - biodiversité - climat - réchauffement climatique - adaptation - diversité des essences - ONF - enedis

Morocco: birth of a nourishing forest in El Beggara

Reforest'Action is partnering with Ibn Al Baytar and Azzahra Cooperative on a new fruit tree planting project in Morocco.

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Maroc - Forêt - arbres fruitiers - reforestation

"Notre Avenir S’appelle Forêt": Reforest‘Action publishes an unprecedented report on the future of French forests

Reforest’Action publishes today “Notre Avenir S’appelle Forêt” (Our Future is Named Forest), the first report that thoroughly analyses the ecological, economic and social issues of French forests during the 21st century and suggests answers to these challenges: the renewal of forests based on forest diversity as an ally.

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Forêt - France - avenir - Filière - reforestation - climat - santé - Insectes

carbon offsetting, France, credits, forest, co-benefits, local, biodiversity,  stakeholders

Reforest'Local: carbon offsetting with a positive impact in France

Reforest'Action has created Reforest'Local, an innovative carbon offsetting solution with a positive local impact that combines labelled international carbon credits with the planting of trees in France. Through this unusual mechanism, the company can generate co-benefits for its territory and its stakeholders.

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compensation carbone - France - crédits - Forêt - co-bénéfices - local - biodiversité - parties prenantes

5 Instagram accounts for #TreeLovers

They are passionate about mysterious forests, they capture their lights, their moods and creatures. Let us present to you our favorite photographers on Instagram!

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instagram - photographes - photo - Forêt - arbres