26 053 678Trees planted

AXA Forests for Good: a collective project to set up new sustainable forest management methods to combat health risks and climate change

Launched in September 2022, the AXA Forests for Good initiative aims to restore damaged forest ecosystems while making them more resistant to health risks and climate change. This 3-year program will be implemented on 400 of the 15,000 hectares of forests owned by AXA in France. The goal is to restore 87 plots in six forests that are being attacked by bark beetles across three French administrative departments: Meuse, Jura and Nièvre. To implement this project, AXA is supported by a group of active stakeholders, led by Reforest'Action and composed of AgroParisTech, two entities of the National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment (INRAE Renfor and Biogeco), France Nature Environnement (FNE) and four local associations. They will combine their environmental, social, technical and educational expertise to support forest restoration.

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AXA Forests for Good - RSE - Ecosystems restoration

Forest ecosystem restoration: a quality solution to support your Net Zero trajectory

More and more companies implement Net Zero trajectories based on standards such as the Net Zero Initiative or the SBTi. There are solutions in favor of the restoration of forest ecosystems that support these strategies - generating impacts that go far beyond carbon management alone. At Reforest'Action, financing carbon projects is essential for achieving global carbon neutrality. However, it should not be an end in itself. Indeed, adequate financing must take a broader view. It must include promoting and preserving biodiversity and allowing the development of benefits for local populations.

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#carbone - stratégieclimat - RSE - écosystèmes - forêts - SBTI - net zero - trajectoirecarbone - solutionsfondéessurlanature - biodiversité

What are Nature-based Solutions (NbS)?

What are Nature-based Solutions (NbS)?

The protection and restoration of forests, mangroves, and coral reefs, the conservation or restoration of wetlands, or the creation of urban green spaces… the so-called Nature-based Solutions (NbS) are inspired and supported by nature to provide environmental, social and economic benefits. They also help build resilience. They bring nature and natural features as well as processes into cities, landscapes or seascapes - through locally adapted, resource-efficient and systemic interventions. Nature-based solutions are therefore supposed to benefit biodiversity and support the delivery of a range of ecosystem services. Preserving, managing, or even restoring ecosystems to meet today's societal challenges: such prospects offered by Nature-based Solutions are largely endorsed by Reforest‘Action. 

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Solutions fondées sur la Nature - NBS - Nature-Based Solutions - environnement - carbone - biodiversité - économie - entreprise - RSE - industrie - climat

Carbon offsetting: Reforest'Action's standpoint

Since companies contact us to act in the field of carbon offsetting, it is important for Reforest'Action to share its views on this practice. We are publishing a position statement with this in mind.

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compensation carbone - stratégie - réduction - empreinte - Bilan - entreprise - RSE - climat