26 054 591Trees planted

 Echerati Peru landscape

In Peru, forest restoration and agroforestery create wealth for villagers

In the province of La Convención, Peru, the project financed by Reforest'Action and carried out in the field by our partner Pachamama Raymi aims to recreate a sustainable social, environmental and economic landscape, favorable to the preservation of biodiversity and the fight against climate change. Around the town of Echarati, located in a valley at an altitude of more than 1100 meters, trees are planted in degraded forest plots and in private agroforestry plots.

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Peru - Agroforestry - Ecosystem restoration

A tree species with multiple benefits for the restoration of South African ecosystems

In the Eastern Cape, South Africa, land desertification is caused by the increasing pressure of livestock on grazing land. Today, the depletion of vegetation cover and the degradation of the land of local farmers and surrounding reserves are causing many adverse environmental effects, such as the depletion of water resources, biodiversity erosion and soil erosion. In this context, Reforest'Action is partnering with C4 EcoSolutions and AfriCarbon, two South African companies, to restore these ecosystems by planting 500,000 trees of a local species essential to the ecological functioning of the region.

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South Africa - Africa - reforestation - Ecosystem restoration

Ecosystem restoration: 5 questions about the Great Green Wall of the Sahel region

Since 2007, the Great Green Wall project, led by the African Union, aims to fight against the spread of the desert by restoring natural ecosystems within a 15 km wide and 7,800 km long strip that crosses eleven Sahelian countries. Originally conceived as a vegetal barrier to hold the desert back, the project now has a broader approach: sustainable management and restoration of these arid ecosystems. Fifteen years after its launch, how is the Great Green Wall evolving? What challenges does it face and what are its future prospects? Discover the project through five questions.

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Forest Culture - Ecosystem restoration - Great Green Wall - désertification