26 053 859Trees planted

Northern Peru: agroforestry to revive the Pachamama

In northern Peru, deforestation and natural disasters have weakened Mother Earth, goddess of the Inca descendants, the Kichwas. Due to the lack of fertility, local farmers abandoned their lands, which have been falling into ruin for almost twenty years. Barely eighteen months after its launch, the project developed by Reforest'Action and the Center of Innovation and Management for Sustainable Development (CIGDES) has already planted more than 600,000 trees through the installation of agroforestry systems designed to restore the fertile land.

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Agroforestry - déforestation - Peru

Climate Week 2022: Reforest'Action participates in the dialogue on forest restoration

Invited by the World Economic Forum to participate in various events during the Climate Week as part of the Sustainable Development Impact meetings, Stéphane Hallaire, President of Reforest'Action, shared our expertise in reforestation and agroforestry. His presence in New York was also an opportunity to have bilateral meetings with major actors and funders of forest restoration.

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Climate Week - forest - reforestation - Agroforestry - Sustainable Development Impact - déforestation - Value chain

The Global Forest Summit: an annual meeting to monitor commitments to forests

After a first edition in 2021, the Global Forest Summit will be held on March 24. Co-organized by Reforest'Action and the Open Diplomacy Institute, and with a ten-year ambition, it will bring together all stakeholders to monitor the main global forest trends by 2030 and encourage action.

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GFS - forest - déforestation - Restoration - Sustainable management of forests

Déforestation importée

What is the impact of EU consumption on global deforestation?

Today, France and the EU act on products sold in Europe that contribute to global deforestation. Why is this a major issue for both the environment and biodiversity?

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forest - déforestation - Europe - régulations

Amazon: Reforest'Action finances the development of edible forests among traditional populations

After an initial phase of setting up nurseries and identifying plots of land to be reforested, the Brazilian reforestation project financed by Reforest'Action and led in the field by the NGO Rioterra continued with the planting of 250,000 trees of 34 different native species, between December 2020 and February 2021, in 5 deforested and abandoned plots of land within the protected reserve of Rio Preto Jacundá.

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Brazil - Amazon - reforestation - local communities - déforestation

Guinea: faced with the disappearance of natural forests, local communities are committed to reforestation

Witnessing massive deforestation and the environmental devastation it causes, village communities are embarking with RENASCEDD, our technical partner based in Conakry, to restore forests in Guinea. Initiated in 2018 with financial support from Reforest'Action, the reforestation project is being conducted on the ground thanks to the commitment of the people who are direct beneficiaries.

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Guinea - mangrove - reforestation - déforestation

Madagascar: over 10,000 trees take root on the banks of the Onive River

In Madagascar, our reforestation campaign is coming to an end with the planting of the last trees of the season. In total, Reforest'Action's support to the Génération Masoala project will have made it possible to plant 82,000 trees since 2018, including 60,000 trees in 2020. Let’s have a look back at one of this season's flagship operations that generated great benefits for both the environment and local communities: the reforestation of the Onive River banks.

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Madagascar - reforestation - déforestation - Soil erosion

Brazil: reforestation of protected reserves in Amazonia

In Brazil, our project continues in new plantation areas in the state of Rondônia. The objective: to involve the traditional populations of protected reserves in the creation of edible forests by guaranteeing them access to these resources. The planting of more than 250,000 trees began in December and will continue in the coming weeks on formerly burnt or degraded pastures.

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Brazil - Amazon - déforestation - reforestation

Brazil: a project financed by Reforest'Action to fight deforestation

In partnership with EcoAct, Reforest'Action invites you to contribute to the fight against deforestation in the Brazilian state of Pará. Discover the details of our project that associates the purchase of carbon credits with tree planting programmes on www.reforestaction.com.

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carbon compensation - carbon credits - Brazil - déforestation - carbon storage - carbon sequestration

Companies can save the Amazon: Stéphane Hallaire's opinion column

The figures are indisputable: deforestation continues to accelerate worldwide, particularly in Brazil, where 20% of the Amazonian forest has already been destroyed. For Stéphane Hallaire, President of Reforest'Action, companies have the extraordinary capacity, interest and historical responsibility to become the main financial backers of global reforestation. He expresses this in this opinion column published in Les Echos, France's leading business daily newspaper, on 5 August 2020.

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Amazon - forest - reforestation - déforestation - footprint - carbon - réduction