26 053 859Trees planted

Reforestation and agroforestry in the Mount Kenya region

In Kenya, the new rainy season, starting in April 2021, is favourable to the resumption of plantations in the Mount Kenya region. The aim of the project is to support local communities in restoring deforested areas of Mount Kenya and to develop agroforestry on their farmland in order to secure their food supply. Currently, 250,000 trees are being planted. Find out more about the project.

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Kenya - Agroforestry - sensibilization - schools - reforestation

Forest of Lipusz: the calm after the storm

In 2017, a storm devastated the northern and western parts of Poland. As a result, nearly 80,000 hectares were ravaged. Three years later, this reforestation intends to restore a heavily affected forest massif situated in the municipality of Lipusz.

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Poland - Europ - storm - reforestation - planting

Reforest’Action joins the Circular Bioeconomy Alliance

Reforest’Action is joining this month the Circular Bioeconomy Alliance to promote a new economic model and to conduct innovative transformation based on the respect of nature and biodiversity. By connecting investors to a large range of stakeholders, the Circular Bioeconomy Alliance offers sustainable solutions and develops new market models.

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summit - conférence - COP - international - reforestation

The Global Forest Summit: an event to accelerate action for forests

A high-level international event, the Global Forest Summit will be held on March 12. Co-organized by Reforest'Action and the Open Diplomacy Institute, this virtual summit will bring together representatives of international organizations, members of governments, as well as decision-makers from the business world, community leaders and NGOs, to call for joint action in favor of forests and present concrete solutions to accelerate their protection and restoration.

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Global Forest Summit - reforestation - institutions

In Tanzania, our goal of 1 million trees planted has been reached!

At the end of 2019, Reforest'Action joined a vast reforestation campaign in the heart of the Usambara Mountains in Tanzania. More than a year after the launch of the project, all the trees funded were planted on the land. A look back at an ambitious project serving the forests and local communities.

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Tanzanie - reforestation - Agroforestry

Promod offers their customers the chance to participate in reforestation around the world

Promod continues in their collaboration with Reforest’Action as part of their approach “PROMOD for good”, which looks at developing the sustainability of their fashion. This is the opportunity for the brand to continue with their support of tree plantations in France and internationally.

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CSR - Promod - reforestation - commitment

Madagascar: over 10,000 trees take root on the banks of the Onive River

In Madagascar, our reforestation campaign is coming to an end with the planting of the last trees of the season. In total, Reforest'Action's support to the Génération Masoala project will have made it possible to plant 82,000 trees since 2018, including 60,000 trees in 2020. Let’s have a look back at one of this season's flagship operations that generated great benefits for both the environment and local communities: the reforestation of the Onive River banks.

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Madagascar - reforestation - déforestation - Soil erosion

Brazil: reforestation of protected reserves in Amazonia

In Brazil, our project continues in new plantation areas in the state of Rondônia. The objective: to involve the traditional populations of protected reserves in the creation of edible forests by guaranteeing them access to these resources. The planting of more than 250,000 trees began in December and will continue in the coming weeks on formerly burnt or degraded pastures.

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Brazil - Amazon - déforestation - reforestation

Reforestation and agroforestry in Ivory Coast : more than 120,000 trees planted in the Agnéby-Tiassa region

Initiated in January 2020, our reforestation and agroforestry project in Ivory Coast is conducted in the field by our technical partner Agro-Map. After the establishment of nurseries and a first planting phase carried out last May, 123,333 additional trees were planted in and around the classified forest of Séguié, between July and September 2020. The objective : to restore 90 hectares of degraded forests and to create agroforestry systems on 400 hectares alongside local cocoa producers.

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Ivory Coast - Africa - Agroforestry - reforestation

Reforestation in Haiti : an incredible community involvement at the service of the forest

Initiated in September 2019, our agroforestry and reforestation project in Haiti has resulted in the planting of 250,000 trees of various species in the Saint-Michel de l'Attalaye region, thanks to the strong involvement of local communities.


Haïti - reforestation