26 054 591Trees planted

Companies can save the Amazon: Stéphane Hallaire's opinion column

The figures are indisputable: deforestation continues to accelerate worldwide, particularly in Brazil, where 20% of the Amazonian forest has already been destroyed. For Stéphane Hallaire, President of Reforest'Action, companies have the extraordinary capacity, interest and historical responsibility to become the main financial backers of global reforestation. He expresses this in this opinion column published in Les Echos, France's leading business daily newspaper, on 5 August 2020.

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Amazon - forest - reforestation - déforestation - footprint - carbon - réduction

Brazil : the results of our Amazon reforestation project

Since September 2019, we have been supporting the reforestation of the Amazon rainforest alongside our Brazilian partner Rioterra. The first part of our project, anchored in the Porto Velho region, was completed last spring, and our goal of 120,000 trees planted on more than 100 hectares was successfully achieved. We will continue to develop our project in new areas of the Brazilian Amazon in the coming months.

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Brazil - Amazon - Amazon rainforest - reforestation

In Kenya, the planting season has started!

Launched in 2019, our project in Kenya aims to restore Mount Kenya National Park and to enable local communities to plant trees in agroforestry. The planting of 80,000 saplings began in April, during the rainy season.

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Kenya - reforestation - Agroforestry

Contribute to restoring and expanding forests

If changing our habits is necessary to preserve our forests, it is also as essential to restore and extend them. Participating in reforestation projects means, first of all, helping to meet the main global challenges that will shape the future of humanity : climate change and the erosion of biodiversity.

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forest month - restoring forests - plantation - reforestation

Allianz contributes to reforestation whilst raising awareness about “Eco-Driving”

Allianz, a world leader in insurance that is committed to transitioning towards a low carbon economy, has joined forces with Reforest’Action to launch an event that will allow their clients to contribute to reforestation, whilst at the same time, increasing their awareness about the importance of eco-driving.

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CSR - Allianz - eco-driving - reforestation

1 million trees for Tanzania: the report of our mission on the field

In mid-February, a Reforest'Action team went to Tanzania to carry out an audit of our reforestation project. The objective of this mission? To exchange with our local partner Friends of Usambara, to monitor the trees already planted in the field, to record environmental, economic and social indicators, and to meet the local communities to continue to develop our project alongside them.

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Tanzania - reforestation - Agroforestry - audit - trees - forests

Discover our new reforestation project in Peru!

In Peru, in the Piura region, Reforest'Action is committed alongside the NGO Progreso to plant 500,000 trees by April 2020. The objective: to combat desertification in the region and restore the soil.

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Pérou - reforestation - forêts - érosion - désertification

In Brazil, local communities reduce deforestation through agroforestry

Together with the NGO Rioterra, Reforest’Action operates in the state of Rondônia, the most impacted by deforestation in the Amazon. The objective is to reduce deforestation through agroforestry as well as to restore segments of previously degraded forests. Between September and December 2019, up to 35.000 trees were planted on the spot by the local communities.

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Brazil - Amazon - reforestation - Agroforestry

Madagascar : supporting coffee and cloves production through agroforestry

Over the past weeks, up to 10.000 trees, funded by Reforest'Action, rooted through the agroforestry system in the village of Ambatobe.

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Madagascar - agroforesterie - reforestation

Eurostar celebrates its 25th anniversary by planting forests with

For its 25th anniversary, the famous train linking Paris to London is reinforcing its environmental commitment with a series of measures aimed in particular at reforesting European forests with Reforest'Action.

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Eurostar - train - transport - reforestation - Tree - plantation - forests - Europe